Asks: ___ previous serial automatically available when receiving a newserial issue. The previous issue can also be set to another item type whenreceiving a new one. Please note that theitem-level_itypes system preference must beset to specific item.
Serial De Daemon Tools
This preference allows the administrator to select the number ofrecent issues for each serial which appear in the OPAC when theserial is accessed. This is just the default value, patrons canalways click to see a full list of serials.
This preference allows the administrator to select the number ofrecent issues for each serial which appear in the staff interface when theserial is accessed. This is just the default value, staff members canalways click to see a full list of serials.
O Gentoo oferece diversos crons daemons possíveis, incluindo o sys-process/bcron, o sys-process/dcron, o sys-process/fcron e o sys-process/cronie. Instalar um desses é similar a instalar o sistema de log. O exemplo abaixo usa o pacote sys-process/cronie: